Мобильный Торрент » Триллер » Symptoms May Include Shortness of Breath

Symptoms May Include Shortness of Breath торрент на телефон

Symptoms May Include Shortness of Breath
Оценка пользователей 93%

Оригинальное название: Symptoms May Include Shortness of Breath
Слоган фильма: A business traveler and a girl with a secret meet in a lavish hotel bar one night. The decisions they make in that brief moment will change their lives forever, leaving them to wonder where it all went wrong.
Год выхода: 2021
Страна: США
Сценарист: Benjamin Hess
Режиссёр: Benjamin Hess
В ролях: Микэндрю Пердарис, Patrick Call, Jamal Page, Chloe Colleen, Calista Masters, Matison Card, Tabitha Tyree, Jamal Page
Длительность: 15 минут

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