
In Two Worlds торрент на телефон

In Two Worlds
Оценка пользователей 43%

Оригинальное название: In Two Worlds
Слоган фильма: A short film about an emotionally ravaged nurse who is a transwoman. She is going through life in a pretence of being a man, by fitting into the «conventional man» image. She makes several attempts to discover her «true self». Fear of rejection and humiliation repeatedly sabotage her efforts. One of her dying patients has a cathartic influence on her. Emboldened, she decides to step out as her «true self». Was this a right step or a catastrophe?
Год выхода: 2016
Жанр фильма: Драма
Страна: Канада
Сценарист: Manish Raghunath
Режиссёр: Manish Raghunath
В ролях: Nishal Vikram Krish, Vikram Krishnan, Kiran Bir, Ankit Doshi, Subha Vikram
Длительность: 58 минут

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