
Dear Grandmother торрент на телефон

Dear Grandmother
Оценка пользователей 54%

Оригинальное название: Dear Grandmother
Слоган фильма: New York fashion coordinator, Celia Davis, receives unexpected news- her mother, whom she had never known, has died suddenly and she's been appointed guardian of her half-sister Merry, an uprooted twelve-year-old with an attitude and an airplane phobia. The cross-country trip that follows delivers many surprises, bringing Celia and Merry to a place that neither expected.
Год выхода: 2007
Страна: США, Канада
Сценарист: Скотт Дж.Т. Фрэнк, К. Дж. Уэллс
Режиссёр: Колин Мёрдок
В ролях: Клер Смитис, Дена Ашбаух, Николь Муньос, Линдсэй Максвелл, Tom Picket
Длительность: 35 минут

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