Мобильный Торрент » Документальный » Nature's Presences: Traditional Music of Indigenous Peoples in Southern Mindanao, Philippines

Nature's Presences: Traditional Music of Indigenous Peoples in Southern Mindanao, Philippines торрент на телефон

Nature's Presences: Traditional Music of Indigenous Peoples in Southern Mindanao, Philippines
Оценка пользователей 81%

Оригинальное название: Nature's Presences: Traditional Music of Indigenous Peoples in Southern Mindanao, Philippines
Слоган фильма: A set of picturesque vignettes on the traditional music of T'boli, Manobo Dulangan, Obo, and Tagakaolo, with local cultural narratives that give clues to a variety of music's local cultural meanings, particularly on ones that contemplate on nature and existence.
Год выхода: 2016
Жанр фильма: Документальный
Страна: Филиппины

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